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Monday, 17 October 2011

Women Cuts off Guy's penis - 醋女剪男友命根丢溪

 A woman cut off her husband's penis with a pair of scissors and threw the severed member into a river in revenge for his affair with another woman and his physical abuse, police in Taiwan said.
The 30-year-old Vietnamese woman, identified only by her surname, Pan, cut off about half her husband's penis at their home in the southern city of Tainan after he took drugs and sleeping pills and fell asleep, police said.
The woman allegedly claimed she had thrown the severed member of her drug-addicted Taiwanese husband into a river before turning herself in.
"She has been taken into custody on charges of assault," a police officer toldAFP on condition of anonymity.

The woman allegedly told police she felt no regret about what she had done to her husband, who is 29 years old, jobless and a known user of illegal drugs.
Police said she claimed to have suffered beatings even though she had worked at a local karaoke shop to support the family since the pair married two years ago.
Her husband's affair with another woman, which he did not attempt to hide, prompted her revenge, the suspect said, according to police.
If convicted, she faces a jail term of up to 12 years.

     “我用不到,也不给别人用” 醋女剪男友命根丢溪

潘女每天从下午陪酒到隔天凌晨1时,每月赚3万元新台币(约3110令吉)。生活困难,翁男不工作还不体谅她,常向她要钱买毒品、玩女人,还常打她,屡劝不听,她气不过,4天前便买了剪刀藏在家中。3天前,翁男带女人回家饮酒作乐,潘女气得呛声:“你再这样我就把你生殖器剪掉!”但翁男不以为意。 周六凌晨,潘女下班回家,翁男向她要3000元新台币(约310令吉)买毒,潘女骑车载他外出买海洛因施打后回家,翁男吞下4颗安眠药后熟睡。潘女愈想愈气,清晨约5时决定剪掉男友生殖器。
被剪了还不知道! 男呼呼大睡没感觉

1 comment:

  1. sheesh, first a kid being run over by 2 vans, then this!



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